Sunday, April 27, 2008

Week 11 - Online applications and tools

"Google Docs Rocks!"
I particularly find this one very interesting as our library charge a small fee ($2 per half hour or part thereof) for customers using Word Processing, Excel, Powerpoint or Email/Chat services - and here is Google Docs offering the free word processing facilities....although customers may already know of Google Docs - and possibly are already using it "free at our library".

Slideshare demonstrated on the 53 slides a number of 'fab freebies for productivity' - and some appear to brilliant! Must explore these further - especially slideshare and omnidrive!!!
But I will also explore Thumbstacks further too - I have created a few powerpoint slideshows over the years and they take up a huge amount of space as an attachment to an email - for future reference, the link for

I am so glad that I have been continually learning new things even though I'm getting close to finishing this course!!!!

I'm going to investigate what Google Docs can do....and this video summed it up quite nicely...Google docs in Plain English

I've created a document in Google Docs and have shared it using the email and invited nswpln as a contributor.

Although Google Docs does not have every function of Word, for example, it would be sufficient for a person wishing to create a document and share with others - particularly for collaborating with others - as per the example in the video above. How often have staff sent a document for feedback and you could have several 'updates' floating between several people and one is never sure which is the most recent and accurate version.

As stated above, I could see customers in the future using Google Docs rather than paying us $2 per half-hour to create a basic document and print it out.

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