Sunday, March 23, 2008

Week 4 - RSS - Bloglines

I registered with Bloglines and probably went a little overboard in setting up 14 feeds including the recommended Powerhouse Museum's Picture of the Day blog (which may be found at Picture of the Day); however, some of the feeds I did subscribe to relate to literature, books, libraries/librarians, dogs and comedy etc.

Imagine my little surprise today when I logged back in (close to 1 week from initial registration) and clicked on Google Blogs and searched for Dapto to only find on page 2 my post for Flickr - Sharing Images from my blog - yes, this one! Interesting... But in investigating Google, I have now registered for 2 Google Alerts that will send an email to my Gmail account for Google Blog Alerts...wonder how many alerts will be blasted into my Gmail account?

So, I then added on my Bloglines account a few blogs (including this one), the NSWPLN Learning 2.0, Jo's as well as another experimental blog using the Add button in Bloglines and entering the URL of the blog into this screen Add Screen [please note: you will need to log in]

My thoughts on RSS and Bloglines...
Although I can see some benefits of having "everything" you want in the one place, I don't know whether I would regularly log in for it to be beneficial to me - although for Learning 2.0, I will make an effort to continue to log in. I guess I'm more likely to go directly to the source of the information I'm wanting to view - even with the blogs that I have added - especially the NSWPLN Learning 2.0 blog - I will probably go directly to the rather than logging into Bloglines.

However, I can see the benefits in a work environment or somebody wishing to keep up-to-date with their news, views etc. I currently subscribe to a literature email service which literally overloads my inbox - should I be able to use Bloglines for this particular literature service, that would free up my inbox dramatically. As for using Google Alerts for my Gmail account, I could see that inbox being bombarded with emails galore...

But something interesting I found on Bloglines was the search facility of tracking future web articles through creating a search subscription [again, you will need to log in] - perhaps you would like to click on it and give it a try if you haven't already....I clicked on it and thought I would do learning 2.0 as the search - of course, there are plenty of results!

It is also fantastic to note that there are plenty of blogs from other participants of learning 2.0 - I must admit I have not looked at each and every one - I'm sure that they are all fantastic and fascinating - even doing a search in Flickr for nswpln2008 found 170 photos (earlier today) of various libraries!!!!!!!!!!! I will look at some more blogs!!! I really like the ones that I've already seen!!!

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