Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Week 3 - Exploring Flickr!

Rocky Mountaineer
Originally uploaded by ahisgett

I decided to search for Rocky Mountaineer as I have already been on this magnificent train and will be travelling on it again in just several weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did an advanced search on Flickr to limit the search for photos within Creative Commons-licensed photos for Rocky Mountaineer and found this great photo!

I registered with Flickr which enabled me to post photos from Flickr directly to my blog by setting up a connection between Flickr and Blogger and "hey presto! Photoblog!"

I'm hoping that this enables the photo to be viewed automatically - as I had attempted to use Blogger's Add an image from the web - this worked fine as far as a hyperlink once the 'blank' area was clicked - but unfortunately there wasn't any sort of thumbnail to indicate the picture existed.

Just goes to show - where there is a will, there is a way!

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Wow! You've been a busy blogger and Flickr-er, and have discovered some really good sites. You're going to need that holiday to recover and relax! And be back fresh to contimue Learning 2.0 style.
